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Apple Iphone 6 Wifi Calling

**Wi-Fi Calling Made Easy on iPhone 6** Calling without cellular coverage? No problem! Wi-Fi calling is now available on the iPhone 6, allowing you to make and receive calls over Wi-Fi networks when your cellular signal is weak or unavailable. **How to Enable Wi-Fi Calling on Your iPhone 6** 1. **Launch the Settings app.** 2. **Scroll down and tap on "Phone."** 3. **On the Phone settings page, tap on "Wi-Fi Calling."** 4. **Toggle the "Turn on Wi-Fi Calling" switch to the on position.** 5. **Tap on "Add Wi-Fi Calling For Other Devices."** 6. **Enter the number of a device that you want to use Wi-Fi calling with.** 7. **Tap on "Verify."** Once you have completed these steps, Wi-Fi calling will be enabled on your iPhone 6. You can now make and receive calls over Wi-Fi whenever your cellular signal is weak or unavailable. **Benefits of Wi-Fi Calling** * **Improved call quality:** Wi-Fi networks typically have higher bandwidth than cellular networks, which can result in improved call quality. * **Reduced dropped calls:** Wi-Fi networks are less susceptible to interference and dropped calls than cellular networks. * **Reduced mobile phone bills:** Wi-Fi calls are free to make and receive when you are connected to a Wi-Fi network.
